Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fiat Uno fuel filter, wiper motor and other minor things

I've done some minor maintenance with Fiat Uno. Like I mentioned last time, there are problems with idling which I decided to start tackling with changing the fuel filter. It is easily changed after depressurising fuel system by taking out fuel pump relay behind the ignition coil (look at the pic below), or fuel pump fuse which is located in the same place (right one on the pic) and then running the engine until it has run out of gas.

Fiat uno fuel-related relays and fuses. Also showing ignition coil on the right

Fuel filter in Fiat uno is located on the other side of the engine compartment and is easily replaceable. Shown here the new one installed and old one installed no more.

After noticing that air intake to cabin is full of old leaves and dirt I decided that proper thing to do would be to clean it. After all Uno's never had any cabin air filters. Here are the view before cleaning:
Old vacuum cleaner was quite handy here

having removed windscreen wiper and plastics beneath it, the wiper motor was also easily accessible:

Fiat Uno wiper motor
It didn't look like a 20-year old so the guess is that it's been replaced. Also note that clever piece of plastic which is tilted upwards on above picture. It's function is to protect the wiper motor. Anyways I still got the feeling that this construction as a whole in Fiat Uno below the windscreen is not really very water-resistant. Well the wiper motor was ok and it was time to assemble the parts back.

After a test drive the idling problem was still there, so we are moving to our next guesses, those being mainly the ignition coil and vacuum advance unit (attached to distributor). I've also been trying to take out the lambda sensor with no luck yet, it's really stuck on exhaust manifold! Someone has forgotten the copper paste...

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